
Guarding One Another: Church Discipline is unavailable, but you can change that!

While church discipline is never easy, it is sometimes a necessary, albeit painful, part of the Christian life. This helpful study guide tackles the difficult topic in six chapters designed to focus discussion on the interpretation and application of biblical texts. Participants will discover the role of church discipline and learn how to practice it in a gracious and loving way.

God then called Israel to display his glory, particularly by displaying his holiness and character to the nations as they were revealed in the law (see Lev. 19:2; Prov. 24:1, 25). Along the way, this law was the basis for correcting and even excluding some people from the community (as in Num. 15:30–31). Ultimately, it was the basis for excluding Israel itself from the land. Finally, God created the church, we have said, so that it might increasingly reflect the character of God as it’s been revealed
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